Monday, August 24, 2009



Love Intensely Forgive Eternally is what to do

Life is to be lived; not for it to live you

it's the quintessential thing that we have

taken for granted; until time to pay the grimm reaper his due

Then we reflect on times present and times past

So I challenge you; although you might not have a clue

to begin to live your life instead of it living you.

as we all know, life is short

linear in nature; we are all terminal creatures

what we experience here; love, hatred and fear

the road you travel although may never be clear

have faith in what you know to be true

tried and tested by you

and follow the path now made clear

then life you'll no longer fear, of things to come

and things of past

cause the power within make any issue miniscule in contrast

remember the essence of God; our life was given

never to be taken for granted that you are livin

for this too will soon expire

revealing to all our lies, truths, and desires

when it's all said and done; and the question asked of you

did you live life or did it live you.


by Jelaco