Monday, November 23, 2009

I Wonder

I Wonder

I sit and ponder about things and wonder
When the sun rises, does it rise for me
To show me the beauty of my life; I wonder
Night stars a guiding light in darkness for I to see
This map of the universe; oh the days I curse
Lost in it’s eternity; because this map I can’t read
Missing the signs leading me back to the source
A life with you; how I should proceed
With the bumps in life’s road; causing me to fail
to be like the blind; who read life not with eyes
but with what they feel; like reading brail
only then can I prevail with everything I try
Trusting what I touch; believing what I feel
For; if common sense was just that
Common; then all life luster lost, with no appeal
This life to offer, nothing dynamic only static
I sit and ponder about things and wonder
When the sun rises, does it rise for me
To show me the beauty of my life; I wonder
Night stars a guiding light in darkness for me to see..


Anonymous said...

I wonder too..You aren't alone never are you. Whether you choose to go on the path alone, or with a chosen one.. I hope that you will realize what really matters after all is said and done. No one should be miserable on this map we follow, sometimes in life's tragedies it leaves your heart hollow. I'm sorry for the misery and pain you suffer, so sad you don't know that true love is luster. One thing's for sure, love knows no ends, and without it no cure.

Ty Mays said...

It's simply amazing how the words of a poet are so misconstrued and placed in arrogant tents of self. The words of a poet are as life; with no apparent reflection. Lyrical presumptions are to be inhaled, consumed spiritually as not a guide but an enhancement to the Creator of life, love, fellowship and unity.

This piece is beautifully articulated and with out precedence. Eloquently presented.