Monday, February 15, 2010

Addictive Behavior

Addictive Behavior

Is what we savor because that’s all we know
as we grew and into this life we go; our wheels we spin
never understanding the “Family Of Origin”; all the while
The Lost Child; Keeping a low profile
Being Dependent; is how we’re most content
Or a Chief Enabler; - For those around us; making it better
A Family Hero; perfectionist never to be the zero
The Scape Goat; the load we always tote
A Mascot; never taken seriously cause with the jokes we never stop
Which part are you, in this family tree? The root, trunk, branch, or leaf, no matter your part; with you is where it starts you best believe
By beginning to see; with your mind’s eye; D.E.N.I.A.L.
(Doesn’t Even Notice It’s A Lie)
Then you begin to ask yourself why this addictive behavior I savor.

But why ask why when you D.E.N.Y. (Don’t Even Notice Yet)
How soon you forget
 the signs in the road that says “I told you so”
Yet and still we go of the beaten path with holes in our shoes
Hearts minds and souls bruised from Addictive Behavior you choose.
Then complain about the heartache/pain in your feet, back, neck.
We just laugh at you and say “what the heck;” did you expect
when you continually favor your Addictive Behavior!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Game Play

Game Play

What can I say, you keep it real; so you think
When you’re sitting there sinking in your thinking
Figuring your next move; trying to predict
Like a chess player; thinking moves ahead
Figuring your strategy; while maneuvering
In position for the kill; sharp wits come up with shit quick
Being aggressive or very coy; game play you enjoy
To get the cuchie licked or the stick wet
The game play makes me sick…
Even if you tell yourself that’s not so
With religious pretentious, Astrological philosophical
Interpretation of the situation is your persuasion
This I know all too well….trust!
All in all; in the end an orgasm a must
Even with emotional needs; games still precedes
The thrill of victory without the agony of defeat
Crossing the finish line; with game so sublime
It totally blows the mind;
With enthusiasm we play; convicted righteousness
Whether under the religious intent or social edict
No matter what the predicate; it’s still pathetic
So I can care less what anyone say
No matter how you slice it; it’s still game play…