Sunday, December 13, 2009

What I want for Christmas…

…is all I’ve ever hear children saying
I mean I thought this was a season for giving
Not expecting, receiving, or requesting…
Then I wonder if it is season for sharing and caring
Why does it only last but a season; is my inclination
Instead sublime euphoric euphemisms a façade passed in conversation while standing in line to get that gift; for the type of “present”
they want; “future” generations never the true meaning to be taught
To give; those in plain sight; those whom have a plight
not only the ones we adore deserves the gift;
as you sift through stores, online, in lines we fight
never once teaching our children what’s right; giving is divine
especially giving of yourself; without expectation
of  waiting for reciprocation of something in kind.
This is what I had in mind; instead of cutting short the phrase
“What do you want for Christmas?” finish this statement
With “…to give?” and start new trends; old one erase.
Then maybe spirituality may begin to ferment.

I know, I know, the arguments will rage on
About politics, human nature, and so on and so on
But what do we got to loose if you choose to make the change
Even if this piece is a lil idealistic, my faith still remains the same
Instead of asking our children what they want for Christmas
Ask them what to give for Christmas; to become selfless

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
- Winston Churchill

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Sweatin Tears

Sweatin Tears

At a joggers pace we try to keep stride
Watchin our breathin checkin our pulse
we got eachother coming in our sleep; shits deep we can’t hide
Checkin our time our bodies blowin our mind; phuk
Pride aside; at eachothers side we stay in stride
this intimate marathon as we stay the course
frantically as I try to navigate and steer
but who I’m foolin; my rudder she controls
wiping my brow; she’s got me sweatin tears

Pusle starting to race no longer steady
heart throbbing pulsating almost heady
with wave after wave coming on my deck
rocking this boat not wise but what the heck
we pitch and dip; capsizing not a concern
in her swell submerged is my stern
with her bow raised like the titantic
just before we sink a feeling of panic
over takes us loves under tow; exhaustion is near
as we got eachother sweatin tears.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

The End is Near

The End is Near

This is my greatest fear
To witness the tragedies inherent in life
makes one not willing to really care
about battling evil and eliminating strife

the incessant tribulations of futile attempts
at being, courageous, righteous and pure
to those that don’t care I implore
for it you that hold life contempt
cause your life you spent
seeding anger, envy, vengeful demeanor
a barren land is your heart
where nothing grows but sorrow
draws you farther apart
from the love that holds life together
for what you lost you still can regain; however
you must change within to keep from going without
that of your hearts desire even in the face of fear
until this happens I truly believe for us; the end is near.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Live and Learn

You Live and You Learn

You live and you learn; my grandfather once said
A day gone without learning; is a day you haven’t lived
then if you’re not livin you must be dead
dead is the spirit lifeless with nothing to give

So along the way I’ve learned much
Life’s a challenge a journey by touch
Feeling my way through innuendos’ emotions
Nothing more than notions consisting of potions
Seducing me back to sleep; letting life to pass
Hoping I’ll miss a calling, causing a life impasse

But I am life’s insomniac; can’t sleep on it
with distraction’s wit and it’s misleading tricks
to lull my soul into a spiritual black hole; bottomless pit
for I have learned nothing and might as well quit
That’s easy for some but not for me
I’ve heeded the warnings, made the choice; a voice I listen to
From my soul speaking to me loquaciously
Teaching me lessons learned; passing them from me to you
So this lil retort, banter, I hope forms like a cancer
In your mind, heart, or soul maybe…
To let life live you is never the answer
But for you to live it fully

Don’t sleep through life mediocre state; nothing to give
Remember you live and you learn
A day gone without learning is a day you haven’t lived

I Dream

I Dream

I dream the dreams in a waking state
Trying to distinguish between what’s real and what’s fake
I feel the sun reaching inside me burning my soul
Consuming my body mind and all
This burning sensation I can’t describe
Although not painful; I still cry inside
From the burning desires of what I want to be
That which I am; but not totally
Life inconsistencies stigmatic flux of events
Stifles my progress; foiling all my attempts
Like that dang monkey and his wrench
Him and Murphy’s Law leave me bent
Twisted forever adjusting just to fit
In this thing called life, like a contortionist

Awaking to this state, I try to escape
The reality created for me from perception
Intangible things; its true nature innate
Are the thoughts of their misconceptions
Or recollections of past transgressions
Not by me but by other so called friends
Hence why I dream the dreams in a waking state
trying to distinguish between what’s real and what’s fake