Monday, August 24, 2009

Live Your L.I.F.E.

Live Your Life

…not that of others and what they say

Never should their words get in the way

Of your thoughts, passion, and goals

that you strive for. Instead opinions take toll

of your mind body and soul

like a virus passed by a hand shake

their gossip and rumors pass by a smile so fake

infecting your soul seeding contempt

controlling your actions like a puppet

Posing as your friend with only best intentions

However what they stand to gain they fail to mention

The strings attached to your heart; they strive

To hold tight; as they continue to deprive

You of your right to Live Your Life….

by Jelaco

Between The Sheets

Between the Sheets
…is where we meet; with expectations
In mind; bodies entwined; probing sensations
Leaving the rest to our imagination
With our legs dancing in the sheets
To the pulsating tones of our heartbeats
Keeping pace; our bodies whine rhythmically
With each gesture carries the notion
keeping in motion this sensual locomotion
with steam building between the sheets
sweat pours between us
our climb to ecstasy is steep
together we reach the summit
as our juices begin to seep
all over us; while In Between the Sheets
….is where we meet; with expectations
In mind; bodies entwined; probing sensations
Leaving the rest to our imagination
by Jelaco

What I Feel...

What I Feel

…it seems so real; yet at times
I find it hard to deal; with impending signs
My joy they try to steal; through emotional crimes
To my heart it is revealed; then to lash out I’m so inclined
but I don’t for their fate is sealed; intervention so divine
their treachery no longer concealed; the lies they hid behind
the hand of revenge they feel; as truth’s light, on them shines
now their word have no appeal no matter how sublime
now what I feel is so real; no remorse for you, not this time…

by Jealco



Ridiculously is how they speak
Undeveloped in their thoughts
Minds not fully at their mental peak
Overtly they concur a slur; never were they taught
Reinforcing a statement unproven is weak
Stupidity is only proven in the end; when caught
While demonstrating
Ridiculously Undeveloped Minds Overtly Reinforcing Stupidity
Love Editions

As editor of this love edition you are leary; so it's me you query
as to the love design; which on you your heart left an imprint
with my actions as proof; with you the time spent
although jocular; the results can only be spetacular
Even as I sort through my emotions; with notions
of this lyrical type or of love potions
in hopes of the ultimate reward of your heart
given to this slush; hoping to set apart
my Love Editions from those with intent
posing as my agent; with attempts to represent My Love Editions....

by Jelaco


Getting Off Secretly Spreading Incorrect Propaganda
Is what we do; to what end do I wander
Why you talk about people in such a way
Never having anything good to say
Nothing positive or beneficial
Just drama and lies based on the superficial
Never really having all the facts; you just attack
With second and third party information; you run with the pack
Never stopping to consider the source
Believing what you hear or being an audience; which is worse
Without consulting with the one about whom you speak
But that takes a strong person; not someone who’s weak
To seek the truth and speak on that; nah that’s not fun
I find it very complimenting when my life fills yours
In such a way; just to talk about me you adore.
I got it; I know you like G.O.S.S.I.P
even if I don’t understand it
I ain’t mad at ya
by Jelaco



Love Intensely Forgive Eternally is what to do

Life is to be lived; not for it to live you

it's the quintessential thing that we have

taken for granted; until time to pay the grimm reaper his due

Then we reflect on times present and times past

So I challenge you; although you might not have a clue

to begin to live your life instead of it living you.

as we all know, life is short

linear in nature; we are all terminal creatures

what we experience here; love, hatred and fear

the road you travel although may never be clear

have faith in what you know to be true

tried and tested by you

and follow the path now made clear

then life you'll no longer fear, of things to come

and things of past

cause the power within make any issue miniscule in contrast

remember the essence of God; our life was given

never to be taken for granted that you are livin

for this too will soon expire

revealing to all our lies, truths, and desires

when it's all said and done; and the question asked of you

did you live life or did it live you.


by Jelaco