Sunday, December 13, 2009

What I want for Christmas…

…is all I’ve ever hear children saying
I mean I thought this was a season for giving
Not expecting, receiving, or requesting…
Then I wonder if it is season for sharing and caring
Why does it only last but a season; is my inclination
Instead sublime euphoric euphemisms a façade passed in conversation while standing in line to get that gift; for the type of “present”
they want; “future” generations never the true meaning to be taught
To give; those in plain sight; those whom have a plight
not only the ones we adore deserves the gift;
as you sift through stores, online, in lines we fight
never once teaching our children what’s right; giving is divine
especially giving of yourself; without expectation
of  waiting for reciprocation of something in kind.
This is what I had in mind; instead of cutting short the phrase
“What do you want for Christmas?” finish this statement
With “…to give?” and start new trends; old one erase.
Then maybe spirituality may begin to ferment.

I know, I know, the arguments will rage on
About politics, human nature, and so on and so on
But what do we got to loose if you choose to make the change
Even if this piece is a lil idealistic, my faith still remains the same
Instead of asking our children what they want for Christmas
Ask them what to give for Christmas; to become selfless

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
- Winston Churchill

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Sweatin Tears

Sweatin Tears

At a joggers pace we try to keep stride
Watchin our breathin checkin our pulse
we got eachother coming in our sleep; shits deep we can’t hide
Checkin our time our bodies blowin our mind; phuk
Pride aside; at eachothers side we stay in stride
this intimate marathon as we stay the course
frantically as I try to navigate and steer
but who I’m foolin; my rudder she controls
wiping my brow; she’s got me sweatin tears

Pusle starting to race no longer steady
heart throbbing pulsating almost heady
with wave after wave coming on my deck
rocking this boat not wise but what the heck
we pitch and dip; capsizing not a concern
in her swell submerged is my stern
with her bow raised like the titantic
just before we sink a feeling of panic
over takes us loves under tow; exhaustion is near
as we got eachother sweatin tears.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

The End is Near

The End is Near

This is my greatest fear
To witness the tragedies inherent in life
makes one not willing to really care
about battling evil and eliminating strife

the incessant tribulations of futile attempts
at being, courageous, righteous and pure
to those that don’t care I implore
for it you that hold life contempt
cause your life you spent
seeding anger, envy, vengeful demeanor
a barren land is your heart
where nothing grows but sorrow
draws you farther apart
from the love that holds life together
for what you lost you still can regain; however
you must change within to keep from going without
that of your hearts desire even in the face of fear
until this happens I truly believe for us; the end is near.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Live and Learn

You Live and You Learn

You live and you learn; my grandfather once said
A day gone without learning; is a day you haven’t lived
then if you’re not livin you must be dead
dead is the spirit lifeless with nothing to give

So along the way I’ve learned much
Life’s a challenge a journey by touch
Feeling my way through innuendos’ emotions
Nothing more than notions consisting of potions
Seducing me back to sleep; letting life to pass
Hoping I’ll miss a calling, causing a life impasse

But I am life’s insomniac; can’t sleep on it
with distraction’s wit and it’s misleading tricks
to lull my soul into a spiritual black hole; bottomless pit
for I have learned nothing and might as well quit
That’s easy for some but not for me
I’ve heeded the warnings, made the choice; a voice I listen to
From my soul speaking to me loquaciously
Teaching me lessons learned; passing them from me to you
So this lil retort, banter, I hope forms like a cancer
In your mind, heart, or soul maybe…
To let life live you is never the answer
But for you to live it fully

Don’t sleep through life mediocre state; nothing to give
Remember you live and you learn
A day gone without learning is a day you haven’t lived

I Dream

I Dream

I dream the dreams in a waking state
Trying to distinguish between what’s real and what’s fake
I feel the sun reaching inside me burning my soul
Consuming my body mind and all
This burning sensation I can’t describe
Although not painful; I still cry inside
From the burning desires of what I want to be
That which I am; but not totally
Life inconsistencies stigmatic flux of events
Stifles my progress; foiling all my attempts
Like that dang monkey and his wrench
Him and Murphy’s Law leave me bent
Twisted forever adjusting just to fit
In this thing called life, like a contortionist

Awaking to this state, I try to escape
The reality created for me from perception
Intangible things; its true nature innate
Are the thoughts of their misconceptions
Or recollections of past transgressions
Not by me but by other so called friends
Hence why I dream the dreams in a waking state
trying to distinguish between what’s real and what’s fake

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I Gotta Pee

I Gotta Pee

I just woke up; in the middle of the night
my emotional bladder full and tight
walkin in darkness as I seek relief
Feeling like I’m going to burst is my belief
Down the hallway of emotions feeling my way;
Stubbing my toe on the end-table along the way
Of this relationship, oh such pain unimaginable
As I limp and hop through conversations
Your tactics like jacks I step on; causes exploding sensation
Overwhelms me wanting to curse
And piss all over the place; but that would just make it worst
So I hold it in knowing the muscle to be exercised
Getting weak soon the leak words of despise
Out of pain thinking relief will be gained
But a mess will be left if; so my piss I restrain
Until I can properly relieve myself
At the right time/place, relief will be felt
Keeping this in mind,  I step lightly;
through the darkness a light shines brightly
The door cracked open ever so slightly
Letting me know relief is near
Where I can release what I’ve held all these years
My emotional bladder, strained by mental vandalism
No longer being held in; no fear of criticism
Now relieved of this piss I can think clearly
…imagine all this just because I had to pee.

What I think when God Looks at Me

What I think God sees lookin at Me
it's immeasurable by my standards; this is beyond me
literally, "'s beyond me;" and my scope of vision
forbids me on his level to my level of comprehension
so it's hard to begin to think honestly
what I think God sees when he looks at me

So since I won't tempt God; nor shall I fate
by being audacious enough; into myself seducing
into a mental state; or even try to relate
my imperfect state of mind to perfect state of being
by trying form an answer; I would eternally hesitate

Only because what I think God sees when he looks at me
is literally beyond me....

Isaiah 55:8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.

Monday, November 23, 2009

I Wonder

I Wonder

I sit and ponder about things and wonder
When the sun rises, does it rise for me
To show me the beauty of my life; I wonder
Night stars a guiding light in darkness for I to see
This map of the universe; oh the days I curse
Lost in it’s eternity; because this map I can’t read
Missing the signs leading me back to the source
A life with you; how I should proceed
With the bumps in life’s road; causing me to fail
to be like the blind; who read life not with eyes
but with what they feel; like reading brail
only then can I prevail with everything I try
Trusting what I touch; believing what I feel
For; if common sense was just that
Common; then all life luster lost, with no appeal
This life to offer, nothing dynamic only static
I sit and ponder about things and wonder
When the sun rises, does it rise for me
To show me the beauty of my life; I wonder
Night stars a guiding light in darkness for me to see..

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Coo - Coo


Tic Toc
Echoing in my head; sitting here bored
Rather be partying instead bored outta my gorg
Tic Toc
Like molasses in the dead of winter; the hour hand creeps
I lay here like an insomniac wishing I could sleep
Tic Toc
Setting the pace this stupid clock; a very slow pace at that
I can’t help but think what my friends are doing; where’re they at
Tic Toc
Pacing the floor now wearing the rug thin
Feels like I’m losing my mind; with nothing to do
No need for the clock to chime
on the hour I’ll be the one going coo-coo
Tic Toc
Maybe if I close my eyes and stop watching time
It’ll pass me by unnoticed; then it’ll be tomorrow before I know it
But then what will I do; the same as today
Sit and watch for time again; slowly passing my way
Greeting me like it always do “Tic-Toc”
As it makes me “Coo-Coo”

You say I’m bored…I believe so too. Tic-Toc; Coo-Coo

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Diary of a Step-Father

Diary of a Step-Father

Step up to be a father; or a father to be stepped on
Trying to figure it out;
You a man I’m a man
That’s your child I understand;
Yet here you stand; getting your life on track
Of the crack; that’s the plan
Why for you; I have so much hate and contempt
A this life you createdThen discarded
Now with me, her Step-Father, time is spent
Yet still I’m dumbfounded by your attempts
Now you want to be involved in a life you gave up
For crack cocaine it’s a damn shame
Now in my face shaking my hand saying “wassup man”
This dance I entertain; although you knows my distain
As we smile cheaply; oh how it’s he I despise
Although cordial and friendly to the naked eyes
Of those around us; it seems so
Like we’re friends; these two men
Now I have to commend you
On your ways; trying to mend; but I can’t pretend
Or try to hide the frustration in the end
Sitting here knowing my own child I never see
But child support still pursues me
For a child I help give birth
But never allowed to see this child I brought to this earth
Only because child support and visitation
Two separate things; in this great nation
The bigger man I am; never to stand between
The rights of a father and my pride
But what does it do for my selfesteem
When on my back you step; the father you weren’t
Now you want to be a parent
Without earning the right
Cause drugs caused you to loose sight
Of the things I now hold dear
A fine line I must now walk
Between my daughter’s feelings
And my contempt for you and what I know
Keeping it straight in my heart and soul
With you and our talks; dealings; to show I’m in control
Even if you’re not with me; no bother
Because I’m what you couldn’t be and Stepped up to be a Father
For the life you’re trying to claim
Your child ain’t the same; changed
With knowledge from me gained
From a spiritual plain
The love of my life this Step-Father has attained.

Thursday, October 15, 2009



Is what you call it; nah bruh
Just words to paper that’s all
To you incomprehensible meaning not understood
6 syllable words; I spit to ya even though from da hood

It just proves to the masses against you; that just wouldn’t quit
What I thought to be farce until I saw it for myself; about you being illiterate
Meaning showing or marked by a lack of familiarity with language and literature
You’re not dumb; not by far
Sharp as knife you are
Proven by your quick wit
With past bullshit…you just won’t quit
the opportunities you had I wasn’t afforded that’s for sure
so I matured and began to open up my own doors
However just like you; I went through the same torment and despair
The same bullshit; made me not want to care….

So my mind grew louder, not my mouth; with words of linguistic form
In monosyllable, morpheme; a collocation of idioms, and phrases with locution
filled archaism type coinage; because of my colloquialism of euphemisms
just loaned words with modernism and not just neologisms
is all I’ve every tried to share;
but you’d rather get angry and twisted than learn these words; nah you won’t dare

that’s cool though; on your level I also can get
So phuk the dumb shit; I’ve called it quits
Long before; that’s why I choose to ignore
All the past issues you at me you try to spit
rockin loud but not sayin shit
about common knowledge; you just frontin
the boy now a man; needin to be respected 4sho
otherwise motherfucker; get ta steppin out tha door
where you’ll meet in the street
in the name of God on those you verbally beat
while stomping on them with your feet

You say you’re not bitter anymore
You’re saved and cured…..
And you’ve learned that you can only control yourself
a lesson short lived that day; harsh word were dealt
And if mom wants to stay in a verbally abusive relationship, that’s her business
You’re right; encountering the same from you; verbal abusiveness
From the one who tried to protect her; you say your real; true dat
Real consistent at screamin cussin, fussin and bustin in fact
Without tack, you attack; standing in da face is where you stand no matter the cost
To be a man you demand respect; while in the land of the lost.

No disrespect is meant; keeping it simple my intent
No fancy talk, just words I spew;
So if ya got bent behind these words I sent
I wouldn’t trip; not off your form to which you stay true
if you were say to me Phuk You!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Liquid Words

Liquid Words

Leaky is a poet’s mental faucet
Drops of thoughts flow
As though pressure to great
To hold back or cut off
No washer to replace; nor filter to filtrate
A poet’s flow of liquid words

Whether collected in your heart
Absorbed in your mind
or flushed down society’s drain
Liquid will words continue to flow;
From all poets to you just the same
For you to pour it out or consume and hydrate your brain
As the seas covering two third of the planet
So is their mind covered; infinitely deep like the seas
Minuet in comparison to the universe and it’s  galaxies
Yet still exist; ever present, flowing outward
A poet’s Liquid words

By Jelaco

Love Lust

Love Lust

Morning mist wave after wave
on my face; my heart drowned
 in oceans tides under currents
 subliminal trust lost to lust; forgiveness a must
 search we try for reasons why
 they had to forsake trust for lust
 I remember times when life, a gust of love’s fresh air
nothing left but the despair of love lost
 including trust; to the lust they had to have, a must
so now I fear love the most never again allow myself
to love or lust
 now only myself I trust
all because of love lust; love lost
by Jelaco

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Breakfast In Bed I roll over; your scent awakens me
fresh brewed coffee; you know the flavor toffee
not wanting the usual eggs and bacon ya know
a change from the norm; switch it up and go
a bowl of grits is all I get
her grits I don't kiss; covered in butter, I eat complete
her danish on the side; glazed, my, my
her buns I don't want none; only her cream pie
is to die for as I waffle in her syrup soaked pancakes
All the while; In my head
thinking how nice it is to have breakfast in bed....
by Jelaco

Monday, September 28, 2009



My soul pumps words
My spirit circulates
through my body to yours
pausing wanting to hesitate
to keep rhythm with your heart
through which my spirit circulates
supplying what's been missing
the words to the music in your heart
But still; bewilder me it does
trying to understand what was
the point to countless nights alone
it eludes me now; why are we prone
to sleep each night by ones self
this lonely hand that's dealt
to you and I; still we wonder why
night after night she's not felt
by my side night after night I wonder why...

Because fraudulent people are every where; men, women alike
however there are time like this; what we share
that gives hope to our life's plight
to find true people that don't compare
to the fake facade sometimes found on this site.
so yes it is refreshing to mind, body and soul
to meet people such as yourself here
That's why, if I may say or be so bold
to express my appreciation for you my dear....
a love song of the soul; words now to make it whole
your soul; music to my ears; eliminating my fears...

...and blessed you are....
intelligence and beauty by far
watched from distance like a star
your light travels; touches me....
I bow to my queen; serving humbly
your wish; fantasies to fulfill
I do as you please; you do as I will
as the world watches; it comes to a stand-still
watchin us indulging the wonders of what we share
others won't dare; to attempt; nah they're too scared
to touch the music feel the words; together we made/make.....
damn they just can't shake....

by Jelaco

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


...that's what we do; unconsciously without a clue
give love to be loved; instead of being "LOVE"
Power of attraction is the key; "LOVE" is all you have to be
instead we try to give love; make love; keep love in vain
hoping for reciprocation; appreciation; and never the pain
that we feel; the love we give never real
just the deal we make the unwritten rules
for others to please our souls; we love, who we choose
those worthy; or capable of returning the gift
so we search for those individuals;
like a miner searching for gold; thru life we sift
ready to stake our claim; it's a damn shame
a "pan handler" we are; hoping to be blessed
by giving love; to be "LOVE" nothing less
then disdained when feelings get hurt just the same
by the ones thought worthy; now you stop giving, what you're not
"LOVE" you withdraw; now seeing but never gave any thought
how we love people for how they make us feel; what was taught
I mean really...does that make sense at all
just how they make you feel; Com'on, really what's the deal
No wonder we're so twisted in a mental state
needing others for our emotions to reinstate
compensating what we lack within; now we depend
on those around us to cradle us; a mental playpen
with rattles, musical toys and hanging mobiles
to entertain us until they're gone removed
and then once again we feel screwed
by the world or the one we loved....

How selfish are we to love cause it feels good to "we"
never for "them" do we "love"; that's the lesson to be learned
"To be, or not to be...", 'LOVE;" that's the question, seriously
Never the road easy I agree; tis the only way to be that which we yearn...Unselfish Love
by Jelaco

Saturday, September 19, 2009



…you say how you figure; forbidden word I spoke
before you jump to conclusions; let me finish
it was something once mentioned in a quote
Never Ignorant Getting Goals Accomplished

It’s not like the other word ya know what I mean
That was use to enslave, enrage, and provoke
Me into fighting the description and stereotypes it seems
only it instigate fights,  and people I wanna choke

So now when someone calls me a N.I.G.G.A
I don’t get uptight; or let my self-respect diminish
I simply response to the their ignorance; how you figga
I’m Never Ignorant Getting Goals Accomplished
by Jelaco

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Where they were....

Where they were.... where I been; revisiting the past now and then
looking back on time; only for it to pass us by
watching, wondering, pondering.....why
I let such beauty; yes you and I; leave me reminiscin’
moments echoing in my heart; damn I miss them where should I start

Where they were... where I begin; still wanting them now and then
looking back on time; no longer needed;
because time stands still waiting to be greeted
by love started; never finished; no more need to be reminiscent

Where they were... where I wanted to be; past mistakes made regrettably
the hands of time which stole from us; now works for us remarkably
Hour hand moved by minutes of the second hand; dealt to us
a "Life Transplant" is what we call it...
I'm the donor and you're the recipient.

Where they were longer a concern
where we be; is up to you and me
a passion thought extinguished still burns
hotter than before; our essence; our love, eternally...
by Jelaco

Monday, September 14, 2009

Kindred Spirits

Kindred Spirits
Kindred spirit from afar; drawn closer
she to know me and for me to know her
like the sun  you shine from a distance
yet your warmth touches me in every instance
so these words I share with you; sincere and true
kindred spirits we are; from afar drawn closer..
by Jealco

If Only…

If Only… a friend till the end
and sit with me a while; lets pass the time and then
you'll know more of me; not just the writings of my pen
or the character behind the pen within
me is the soul of a boy living amongst men
with experiences now made this boy a man; Amen!
So enjoy me as you a friend till the end
explore the rest of me, my soul; my virtues my sins
to discover me all over again and again.....
then decide if I'm worth the title "Friend till thee end"
by Jelaco

Dirty Thoughts

Dirty Thoughts
...I wish you to share with a me, starving,
deprived of love; sexual healing needed
with doubts of a fantasy coming true; leaves me dreaming
two cool people melting in passion; dripping wet
of sweet nectars; from sectors of our bodies; your taste I won't forget
I grow with excitement; as you encourage me more
with enticing words; I can only implore
to share with me the possibility; I no longer want to endure
the torture of what's to be sought; revealed to me your Dirty Thought
by Jelaco

I'm Your Baby

I’m Your Baby
for as long as you have me
your baby boy, toy, if need be
to laugh and giggle; while it's me you tickle
till I'm blue in the face with tears that trickle
down my cheek; it's you that makes me weak
in the knees; on which I crawl, for you I seek
cause now I'm hungry, for your attention as all babies do
cramping with hungry, causes me to buckle; seeking only you
on your body I of which to suckle; your life juices, sweetest dew
comes from you; feeding me life into the man I'm to be
for you and you only; that's why I say "I'm your baby"
by Jelaco

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Joy of Sharing

 Joy of Sharing
The sharing of joy, can be perpetual
whether physical, emotional, psychic, or intellectual
forms a bridge between all involved
for which can be the awakening; then we evolve
to understanding much of what is not shared between one another
and lessens the threat of our difference; never to put asunder
our true friendship that consists not in the multitudes
but in their worth and value; of this friendship constitutes.
by Jelaco

Magnificent We Are

Magnificent We Are
A complex life we are; formed with such detail
Like a watch; fine tuned; synchronous movements
Each component of our existence works to reveal
the a necessity for each other is proven
We tell the time and hold the time
For those around us within us
Milestones in life is when we chime
Highlights the precipitous; others take notice
So like the hands of time we move
Through existence setting the pace
Each movement, choice, we choose
To prove how magnificent we are; the human race.
by Jelaco

Monday, August 24, 2009

Live Your L.I.F.E.

Live Your Life

…not that of others and what they say

Never should their words get in the way

Of your thoughts, passion, and goals

that you strive for. Instead opinions take toll

of your mind body and soul

like a virus passed by a hand shake

their gossip and rumors pass by a smile so fake

infecting your soul seeding contempt

controlling your actions like a puppet

Posing as your friend with only best intentions

However what they stand to gain they fail to mention

The strings attached to your heart; they strive

To hold tight; as they continue to deprive

You of your right to Live Your Life….

by Jelaco

Between The Sheets

Between the Sheets
…is where we meet; with expectations
In mind; bodies entwined; probing sensations
Leaving the rest to our imagination
With our legs dancing in the sheets
To the pulsating tones of our heartbeats
Keeping pace; our bodies whine rhythmically
With each gesture carries the notion
keeping in motion this sensual locomotion
with steam building between the sheets
sweat pours between us
our climb to ecstasy is steep
together we reach the summit
as our juices begin to seep
all over us; while In Between the Sheets
….is where we meet; with expectations
In mind; bodies entwined; probing sensations
Leaving the rest to our imagination
by Jelaco

What I Feel...

What I Feel

…it seems so real; yet at times
I find it hard to deal; with impending signs
My joy they try to steal; through emotional crimes
To my heart it is revealed; then to lash out I’m so inclined
but I don’t for their fate is sealed; intervention so divine
their treachery no longer concealed; the lies they hid behind
the hand of revenge they feel; as truth’s light, on them shines
now their word have no appeal no matter how sublime
now what I feel is so real; no remorse for you, not this time…

by Jealco



Ridiculously is how they speak
Undeveloped in their thoughts
Minds not fully at their mental peak
Overtly they concur a slur; never were they taught
Reinforcing a statement unproven is weak
Stupidity is only proven in the end; when caught
While demonstrating
Ridiculously Undeveloped Minds Overtly Reinforcing Stupidity
Love Editions

As editor of this love edition you are leary; so it's me you query
as to the love design; which on you your heart left an imprint
with my actions as proof; with you the time spent
although jocular; the results can only be spetacular
Even as I sort through my emotions; with notions
of this lyrical type or of love potions
in hopes of the ultimate reward of your heart
given to this slush; hoping to set apart
my Love Editions from those with intent
posing as my agent; with attempts to represent My Love Editions....

by Jelaco


Getting Off Secretly Spreading Incorrect Propaganda
Is what we do; to what end do I wander
Why you talk about people in such a way
Never having anything good to say
Nothing positive or beneficial
Just drama and lies based on the superficial
Never really having all the facts; you just attack
With second and third party information; you run with the pack
Never stopping to consider the source
Believing what you hear or being an audience; which is worse
Without consulting with the one about whom you speak
But that takes a strong person; not someone who’s weak
To seek the truth and speak on that; nah that’s not fun
I find it very complimenting when my life fills yours
In such a way; just to talk about me you adore.
I got it; I know you like G.O.S.S.I.P
even if I don’t understand it
I ain’t mad at ya
by Jelaco



Love Intensely Forgive Eternally is what to do

Life is to be lived; not for it to live you

it's the quintessential thing that we have

taken for granted; until time to pay the grimm reaper his due

Then we reflect on times present and times past

So I challenge you; although you might not have a clue

to begin to live your life instead of it living you.

as we all know, life is short

linear in nature; we are all terminal creatures

what we experience here; love, hatred and fear

the road you travel although may never be clear

have faith in what you know to be true

tried and tested by you

and follow the path now made clear

then life you'll no longer fear, of things to come

and things of past

cause the power within make any issue miniscule in contrast

remember the essence of God; our life was given

never to be taken for granted that you are livin

for this too will soon expire

revealing to all our lies, truths, and desires

when it's all said and done; and the question asked of you

did you live life or did it live you.


by Jelaco